
Monday, September 16, 2024

Cap's Comics - What If…? Donald Duck Became The Mighty Thor

Cover for What If...? Donald Duck Became thor showing Donald Duck as Thor fighting Stone Ducks
Lorenzo Pastrovicchio Cover

This summer we have been graced with Marvel comics that celebrated Disney classic characters with them taking the roles of Thanos and Wolverine. But summer has to end! Let’s end it with one last adventure.

“What If…? Donald Duck Became The Mighty Thor” with plot by Steve Behling, script by Riccardo Secchi, and art by Giada Perissinotto gives us one more look at the 90-year-old duck taking up the mantle of a Marvel hero. In this one-shot comic, Donald Duck takes his nephews on a Norwegian vacation to an ancient archaeological Viking site so they can earn their Junior Woodchuck medal for Ancient Viking Relic Explorers. While scrounging for priceless Viking heirlooms, the Earth is invaded by the Stone Ducks of Saturn who land on this ancient site. Donald seeking shelter from the danger finds an old wooden cane which when knocked grants a worthy one, wow Donald look at you, the power of the ancient Norse God Thor. Equipped with these new abilities, the Mighty Donald is the only hero who can save us all! 

Variant cover for What if ...? Donald Duck Became Thor showing Donald Duck as Thor being struck by lightening.
Phil Noto Donald Duck Thor Cover

Of the three Disney specials we got this summer, this one is the most all-ages and maybe a little bit more kid-focused than the rest. There is a little less inside adult humor to me, with this offering being more of a kids-friendly brawl and fight story. The biggest Easter Egg for adults is the story’s heavy parallels to the original Journey into Mystery #83 story “The Mighty Thor and the Stone Men from Saturn” which was Stan Lee’s, Larry Lieber’s, and Jack Kirby’s debut of their Norse hero in 1962. The story in many cases is beat-for-beat of the original Marvel classic. And maybe this is why it seems more kid-friendly, with it being a very 1960s plot at a time when comics were more kid-focused. I do like the changes, with movie star Korg’s Stone Men being turned into Stone Ducks, which fit the story well.

Donald Duck is a good uncle and a horrible archeologist! 

Variant cover for What If...? Donald Duck Became Thor showing a artistic Donald as Thor shown from the side ready to strike his hammer.
Peach Momoko Cover

Perissinotto has given us art for two of these stories now. The art here is very approachable and inviting. One of the changes you will notice here is the writing duties shared. The plot was provided by Behling who has written a handful of young reader books for Disney, many using Stitch. The script, just like you would see in a movie with the frame-by-frame and line-by-line framework for the artist, was developed by Secchi. Secchi does not have many comic credits, but he has written Disney classic characters with an issue of Disney Hero Squad: Ultrahumans served up to readers over a decade ago at Boom! Studios. It’s not uncommon to see plot and script duties separated. One of my favorite examples is DC’s Justice League International. But much of the vigorous debate in the Marvel world is that often Stan Lee provided plots while his artists like Jack Kirby really did the scripting at various levels of detail. Which at times, did not make it clear who was responsible for what among the old masters. Overall, the team does a nice job, as I think kids would appreciate this story which may seem familiar if they have seen any of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

However, I do wonder if the inclusion of an editor’s letter and some concept development pages in the end hint they may have been a little short in story? 

Variant cover for What If...? Donald Duck Became Thor showing Donald Duck as Thor looking at his and slamming the hammer down.
Walter Simonson Cover

“What If…? Donald Duck Became The Mighty Thor” with plot by Steve Behling, script by Riccardo Secchi, and art by Giada Perissinotto reminds us that summer always comes to an end! I have as a Disney and Marvel fan gotten a chuckle out of these one-shot comics. I have appreciated how on different levels there is something here for kids and adults, much like this issue. 

Variant cover of What If Donald Duck Became Thor showing a cute version of Donald as Thor flying through the air in circles being pulled by the hammer.
Skottie Young Cover

Turning the last page…wait, Minnie becomes Captain Marvel in November! Yes, please!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Between Books - The Jungle Cruise: The Wild History of Walt's Favorite Ride Second Edition

Cover for The Jungle Cruise: The Wild History of Walt's Favorte Ride showing the title over a variety of fauna and plants.

Two things can be true at once!

FACT: The Jungle Cruise: The Wild History of Walt’s Favorite Ride Second Edition is an interesting, fun, and factual chronicle of The Jungle Cruise which highlights the impact that cast members have had on the evolution of the beloved attraction.

FACT: The Jungle Cruise: The Wild History of Walt’s Favorite Ride Second Edition is a poorly delivered and executed book that has numerous misprints, odd prints, repetitions, and miscellaneous errors that distract from the reader’s experience while lowering the ability for a fan, like me, to claim it’s a truly authoritative history of the attraction.

The Jungle Cruise: The Wild History of Walt’s Favorite Ride by David “Dr. Skipper” Marley is a book that had not joined my Between Books yet. But with the printing of a second edition, I jumped online to Dr. Marley’s Etsy page to buy an autographed copy. It is likely the most excited I have been about a book in the mail for the last several years.

The Jungle Cruise: The Wild History of Walt’s Favorite Ride Second Edition by David “Dr. Skipper” Marley provides a historical account of the development, growth, and current state. Marley, a trained and practicing historian, uses the narrative history of the attraction, his own history with the boat ride, and oral histories to offer an entertaining and interesting account of the Disney original. The chapters are typically long and cover long stretches of park history. The book starts in Anaheim, but includes development and growth for the versions in Orlando Tokyo, and Hong Kong while addressing why some parks like Paris lack a jungle cruise. The book ends with a current state survey of the attraction, post inclusion edits and a world with a Jungle Cruise big budget movie. Marley, being a former skipper, does an excellent job of using the collective memory of the skippers and demonstrating the impact the attraction had on these cast members and the legacies they have left.

I for the most part really enjoyed this book. I am running around with my newest fun fact, The Jungle Cruise in the Magic Kingdom park is on the ground level of the park. It’s on the same floor as the utilidors! I mean it feels like the mind should realize that as we walk down the incline, but it took the book to point it out. There were numerous factual discoveries like these that I enjoyed. The text is generally entertaining, which can be in question when written by an academic. I did enjoy the use of interviews and skipper quotes throughout the text. Marley provides a text that often tickled this fan boy’s heart. He writes in a conversational style that is entertaining and often sparks joy.

Now the other truth. This book is an editing mess. If it was a Kindle book I would expect an update correcting the editing and printing errors that frankly gets in the way of the journey. These mistakes(shortened list for time) include,

  • Printing errors that include incomplete letters and odd or inconsistent spacing
  • Editing mistakes including incorrect or inconsistent use of punctuation (double or misspaced periods), use of italics, conflicting factual claims in the same sentence
  • At least 3 instances with reprinted paragraphs printed on a span of 2 to 3 pages
  • Gaps in sources, for example Marley clearly has an opinion about the movie, but his discussion of the budget and reactions lack cited sources

I did not expect this from a second edition, though mistakes can occur like this in self-published books. While I don’t have the first edition, it does seem from other comments that the editing mistakes, and thank you to an editor, occurred in the firs edition. I get it! Authors can simply get to close to their work. I will admit that both me and an editor missed numerous instances of the word “solider” in place of “soldier” in a past project. I am not super detailed writer, and I”m sure this blog is full of mistakes. But the problems become an obstacle to digging into the story of the jungle. I’d love to see Marley write a history for Disney Press, but his frank discussion would likely not fit within the publishing house’s goals. What I would really want is a publisher to work with Marley and fashion a really well done and executed third edition. Because at the moment, any endorsement I would make about this book includes the caveat, it is not edited or printed well. So you need to think carefully if the $40 is worth it to you.

Hey authors, I’m willing to read through drafts or proofs to help find obvious mistakes, because if I can see mistakes more critical readers will definitely find plenty.

Jungle Cruise I love you, but sometimes your books seem to be hindered by publication and editing. The Jungle Cruise: The Wild History of Walt’s Favorite Ride by David “Dr. Skipper” Marley is an interesting and often entertaining reflection on the Jungle Cruise and their skippers important to our fandom. It is also a inadequately produced volume, which has errors that limits the text’s authority. I found both enjoyment and frustration on these pages…because two things can be true.


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Monday, September 2, 2024

Dreaming Disney - The Jungle

The jugle logo showing words The Jungle with a background of a cartoon tropical river.

It was sad news. Tales From the Jungle Crews which has really slowed in posting episodes the last few years is being fully retired, and the episodes will no longer be available. That’s a real kick in the pants as I’m still hungry for new chapters. With this turn, we must ask ourselves where do Disney fans hungry for Jungle stories go now?

Luckily, I adventured to The Jungle podcast. The official description is “Two former Jungle Skips talk Disney, Theme Parks, & Pop Culture. However, in true Skipper fashion, the conversation frequently heads into uncharted waters. Hosted by David "Dr. Skipper" Marley (Author, Disney Historian) & Trevor Kelly (Crooner, Senior Art Director).” The podcast drops every two weeks. The format is basically chit-chat between two long-term friends that focuses primarily on Disney news, Disneyland, Tiki events, and since we have two former Skippers, the Jungle Cruise. The chat is generally light-hearted with some fun opinions. The two know each other very well and able to get a little silly, which let’s be honest we can all use a little silly.

I mentioned that these two are two Disneyland former skippers. Dr. David Marley is a historian who currently teaches history courses. He has also written a number of books about the Jungle Cruise and is a speaker who appears at several Tiki events discussing I assume the Jungle Cruise. Trevor Kelly, is a crooner and podcaster that I listened to years ago on a show called Joey and Trevor Talk to Each Other, which much like The Jungle was two skippers chatting, or as I remember it more like shooting the poop. The Jungle is very much that type of show, where the topics could be the two mulling the latest Disney or Disneyland news, telling stories of their days in the jungle, or just them talking about whatever moves them that day. It’s that chit-chat type of format that for me is what I like. It’s chat going on in the background where I feel like someone is talking with me, even if I’m not live or in the room with them. It does not fill the gap left by Tales From the Jungle Crews, a show that transformed from chit-chat to one of the best oral history podcasts you can find. But it does give fans a little Jungle Crews content in an easy-to-digest format. And living so far from Disneyland, I like hearing local takes on the happenings around the park and the Disneyland Jungle Cruise. 

The Jungle is a fun chat between two friends. It’s a bonus they are informed former skippers who bring up the Jungle Cruise on the regular. The Jungle is fun mostly Disney talk that definitely provides me the coffee chat that I need, in a safe I’m still an introvert way, on a Monday morning.