
Monday, July 29, 2024

Mousey Movies - Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool and Wolverine poster showing the two fighting

Did you hear about the Disney film that is so profane, so outrageous that it has changed Disney forever? I mean the language! And don’t even get me started about the innuendo! There was a fair amount of exposed female bottom in the film. It was so bad, that Disney had to create Touchstone Pictures to release the vulgar picture, a phrase used throughout reviews, of Tom Hanks’ 1984 romantic comedy Splash!

I’m just saying we’ve been here before and we will be here again. Some movie-goers will not like the new Deadpool & Wolverine, and they should just not go see it! I actually thought of friends that this movie is not for while watching it. With this being the third film in the Deadpool franchise, it’s not like Ryan Reynolds has been hiding what his film is! If you know it’s going to offend you, don’t go. Yes there are going to be elements that you enjoy and look forward to. But…it’s a R-rated movie, it’s the biggest R-rated movie in cinematic history. But if you know you’re not going to like it, don’t go see it. I mean, that’s my strategy for dealing with things that I know are not to my taste. For example, I don’t view horror movies, I don’t like to be scared.

Disclaimer and Warning: If you have kids, while this is a Marvel movie and filled with superheroes before you consider taking them, you need to know your kids. I was shocked when I saw Logan that there were kids way to young in the theater for what I was seeing. I didn’t think these parents knew their kids better than I did based on the reaction. If you’re kids are not ready, you may have to explain some language and adult situations that could be uncomfortable!. SO DON’T JUST GO…be conscious of what’s going to assault your ears, eyes, and heart. Don’t think it’s a clean-cut film just because Deadpool is currently meeting fans at Disney California Adventure (who saw that coming)! Because, this is the third film in a R-rated series and you should know what this series is already.

I can see how some would say, why Marvel Studios, why a R-rated film? I say why not? The great experiment of the MCU has been mixing up genres. The MCU has proven that superheroes can be applied to multiple movie types…and this franchise was already established and well-regarded. Did I mention what movie was beaten for #1? Yeah, it was Deadpool!

I won’t summarize the plot of Deadpool & Wolverine as I don’t want to spoil anything. Did I get shushed for yelling out loud? Yes! Was I unsurprised by some elements due to rumors? Yes! Was I surprised that rumors I thought were ridiculous, came true? Yes! And were there pieces of the story I didn’t see coming? Yes! I went with a big group and the hard thing was walking out without spoiling it for those coming in.

But…is it good Deadpool using only my standards?

  • Community: Yes, Wade Wilson as he enters this third movie has his community! If you see the trailers you know his motivation is to save the nine people who matter to him. These are his people, and he will do anything for them, even if he is morally flexible. Additionally, he discusses his past community people with X-Force and what could be next for him in a found community. The community aspect is massive in this movie as it guides decisions, helps him learn his lessons, and defines him as the plot moves forward.
  • BetterUp: The movie opens with Wade in a broken place. Okay, he was broken from the first movie. But here he is really really trying to be better. He knows that his relationships and community need more from him. And so professionally and personally he has gone on an improvement quest which may have only made the matter worse. And from the second scene on, he’s working on himself.
  • Laugh Away the Pain: Yep, it’s all there. So much of the humor in Deadpool & Wolverine is to hide or confront the pain felt by both Wolverine and Deadpool. We are on a journey my friend, and that nervous laughing is a bandaid. It’s just like when I couldn’t stop laughing on the Tower of Terror as a family member punched me thinking I was mocking them. No, I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing through this. The absurdity is ramped up as Logan, Wade, and the situation are all things that put everyone on edge.
  • Your Pal Wade: Hi Wade, you see me and I see you. Deadpool…and others… break through the wall and chit-chat with us the audience. At one point a look at the camera and two words did nothing but make me squeal. Wade knows we are with him on this quest, maybe even more than Grumpy Logan. And he appreciates us!

I loved Deadpool & Wolverine. Is it a cinematic masterpiece that will be the next Godfather? No, but how often do you watch that masterpiece? I was thinking about a rewatch in the theater while walking out as I know there is so much I missed. I never thought I would see a Deadpool movie…now I have three. I never thought I would see Wade and Logan together again and properly on the screen…now I have. For me this is what Deadpool & Wolverine is…a comic book event where the creators pull in visual and story references that make me squeal and have fun, showing the things I knew and sometimes didn’t know I wanted to see on the screen. Every comic reader loves it when heroes from other books meet in unexpected ways. It’s not overwhelmed with cameos, and I think they are used well. It’s also a tribute to a franchise of comic-book movies that have been eclipsed by the MCU, and may have actually made me miss it. 

Deadpool & Wolverine poster showing a Deadpool/Wolverine best friends necklace

It’s smart, it’s crass, and I will be watching it again.

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